Oceania’s Premier Heavy Engineering Company | A&G Price

Established in 1868, A & G Price Ltd is one of New Zealand’s largest and longest established engineering works.

Comprising a total capability foundry, heavy machine shop, fabrication section and fitting bays, we offer the highest level of engineering expertise to a wide range of industries. Located in Thames, we employ highly skilled foundry tradesmen, machinists, fitters, welders and engineers. The plant is available on a 24-hour 7-day basis to cater for emergency work, breakdowns and urgent orders.

With a suite of skills covering foundry, machining, fabrication, welding, fitting and engineering design, A&G Price is the supplier of choice for manufacturers all around the world.

We have manufactured locomotives and wagons for the rail industry, designed and built specialised components for the Defence industry, supplied keels and bulbs to America’s Cup syndicates, and completed major plant refurbishment projects for a variety of processing plants.

Our foundry produces medium to large castings in irons, steels and non-ferrous metals, whilst our comprehensive heavy machine shop can handle large work pieces up to 40 tonnes and 10 metres long.

Oceania’s Premier Heavy Engineering Company | A&G Price

From our earliest days serving the mining industry in the gold-rush days, A&G Price has provided state of the art engineering services to a wide range of market sectors.

We have manufactured locomotives and wagons for the rail industry, designed and built specialised components for the Defence industry, supplied keels and bulbs to America’s Cup syndicates, and completed major plant refurbishment projects for a variety of processing plants.

With a suite of skills covering foundry, machining, fabrication, welding, fitting and engineering design, A&G Price is the supplier of choice for manufacturers all around the world.